Please complete the form below and press Submit!

Ruler name: [3..30] characters
Planet name: [3..30] characters
Login username: [2..15] characters
Email address: [6..100] characters, Must be valid
I have read and agreed to the rules of LORE.


Your e-mail address will not be handed out to anyone outside the LORE admin team, or abused in any way. The reason we are asking for them, is to be able to inform you about events that has to do with the game LORE, like special events, game updates, server problems and so on. Also, your password will be sent to you via email. Your ruler name and planet name will be visible to other members of LORE, however your username and password will be kept private.

Thank you for registering with LORE, probably the least advanced resource management, strategy game online, for free!


Softham Enterprises is not responsible for any problem you might get ever, including divorce and natural disasters. We can not be held responsible for what this site contains, not even if you find material herein that you consider unsuitable. However, we will do our best to ensure our server(s) and it's contents remain acceptable, and any problems in this matter can be sent to "webmaster at".